Hello! I am 100% new to all things code, programming, data analysis etc. I am on the homepage which shows all the available certification training, however, I have no clue where to start! I have done the first project on the CatPhotoApp, however my interests are more in learning SQL and Python. Is it a case of working through the HTML stuff first and building up to those?
Apologies if this question has been asked lots of times before. I just really have no clue where to start and have no prior knowledge of code, but would love to get some certifications so I can apply it within my workplace and potentially change careers in the future.
For example, do i need to start at “1”? In order to understand “5”? As i have jumped straight to python and am totally lost.
First step would be to find your first place in tech, your first role.
Take some time and search through the roadmaps on this site:
From your post it sounds like you are interested in backend development.
As a second step and for a start I would take the first three freeCodeCamp courses that will help you with the fundamentals of development:
Abstract thinking
How to use a code editor
Deal with bugs in your code
Research and find solutions for obstacles on your way
Your first language (JavaScript)
After that you will see clearer which route and the next steps to take.
You mentioned you want to apply for jobs within your workplace. Are you able to get hold of the people in charge there? They might give you tips on what to learn to match their requirements.
Hi Daniel! thanks for getting back to me! I will look into those things now, by the first three courses, do you mean:
1,2 and 3 listed in the photo i attached (The core curriculum) ? thank you
While I agree that the HTML course is for web dev and not mandatory, you can still benefit if you are new to coding:
You will see immediate results in the browser. This can be satisfying and helps you to understand that you instruct a machine with your code, and how it reacts.
You will learn to pay attention to detail. Even in HTML a single missing element can halt an application. You will then learn how to find and fix those bugs, which can be less intimidating than with a programming language.
Finally you may decide to go into web development and you have laid the foundations.
It’s up to you of course, but HTML/CSS can prepare you for your first language, which most people experience like learning an alien language at first (I can relate).