Tribute Page - Need help with mobile resizing

So I just finished my Tribute page. Can anyone tell me how I can resize it
for mobile? I tried the class container/container-fluid on my top “div”

but it still doesn't work.

Link to Tribute

I had a similar issue and this helped me. Hope this is what you are looking for:

Thanks, I tried that as well and it didn’t work. Perhaps I’m not placing the “head” in the right place? I’m not sure where I’m supposed to include a “head” in codepen.

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Try putting that mobile code in

If you open up settings on your pen and go under HTML you will see a little area for it.

You are missing divs with "row" classes

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">  // <-- you should add these
    <div class="col-xs-6">
    <div class="col-xs-6">
  <div class="row">  // <-- you should add these
    <div class="col-xs-6">
    <div class="col-xs-6">
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Hey, I had a go on a fork at trying to make the responsive work here

I also added body tags, then applied the text-align:center to this, and applied text-align:left to the ul element. Hope it makes sense

Hope you dont mind, my first attempt at editing something on a fork.

Wow it looks really good on mobile. Thanks for the tip!