Our UI is a hybrid AngularJS and Angular project. The top libraries that come to mind are Material, Gruid UI (although we’re moving away from it), Mapbox GL, Lodash, and Bootstrap (although we’re looking at moving away from it).
We use Angular, and we used Angularjs and generally Angular material for UI.
Outside of “Angular” related stuff we usually use Typescript, which id argue is very useful for any JS project, and will only rise in popularity as time goes on. (Any serious project should probably use Typescript, it scales far better than JS)
We use a Nodejs backend (also built on typescript), and even have a smaller internal project running on NestJs
I personally do not recommend lodash, it will bloat your codebase for a few utility functions, and modern JS provides plenty of utilities to handle basically any use-case. I would recommend getting down most of the common JS API’s for modern Javascript before jumping into any libs. There’s a lot out there, and since the “framework wars” are more or less over, Knowing React+Redux should be enough for a good while. (Or one of the alternative web frameworks like Angular)