What are the 7 first FCC certification for the web3

I’m reading the Web3 Curriculum Open Beta article.
And it talk about :
you can do this by working through the first 7 freeCodeCamp certifications and building their projects.
the first 7 FCC certification is :

  1. Responsive Web design
  2. JS algorhithms
  3. Front End Development
  4. DataVisualisation
  5. Relationel Database
  6. BackEnd
  7. Quality Assurance

Are these the first 7 certifications he talks about in the article ?

Actually if you read again, it says those are the prerequisites.

Yes i saw that but, with the “beta” certifications i don’t know if is until quality assurance certification or another.

you know that is an excellent question.
I think we should open a github issue to discuss it with someone…
(the article is not being precise at all)
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Yes, the 7 you list are the 7 we suggest as prerequisites.

In due time, the legacy Responsive Web Design curriculum will be moved to the bottom of the list so this will be less confusing:

Hope this helps clarify

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if I can state my 2 cents, the confusion isn’t really from the Legacy certificate, but more that the article says 7 certificates and doesn’t say exactly which ones (for eg do the beta database ones count in the 7)


You can do this by working through the first 7 freeCodeCamp certifications and building their projects.

I believe the mention of “first” 7 means:

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