Hello guys.I have applied various techniques for learning programming and computer science from books.
I am wondering about what is the best practice to learn code.
Technique 1:
1-)Learn theory from book [%5 of the time]
2-) copy paste codes from books(pdf) and debug and change it to learn how code works [%5 of the time]
3-)Apply this theory and technique on my real world programs [%90 of the time]
Technique 2:
1-)Learn theory from book [%5 of the time]
2-)Type and run code to learn how code works [%47.5 of the time]
3-)Apply this theory and technique on my real world programs [%47.5 of the time]
For example, I want to learn Java with the second method:
1-)I learned theory from a book [%5 of the time]
2-)I type and run code to learn how the code works [%47.5 of the time]
3-)Apply this theory and technique to my real world programs [%47.5 of the time]
“Computer science” and “programming” aren’t the same subject, and you should decide which one you want to learn first. And you’re certainly not going to learn computer science by programming either, because that’s not how it works—learning computer science is a lot like learning math, and you can learn it by doing problems with a pen & paper. No actual computer is necessary in order to learn computer science (it may sound paradoxical but it’s true).
There are many resources on the Internet devoted to learning how to program, so I won’t bother going into that.
Once you have the necessary math background, it will be a lot easier to learn data structures and algorithms, and you can refer to that post I linked above for resources that I recommend.
Thanks astv99.I will learn branches of computer science for learning the deep concept of the programming.I don’t want to learn just syntax.
For example:
Operating Systems for Understanding of Java Threads
Data Structures and Algorithms for Productivity
Algorithm Design for Productivity
Design Patterns
Java Tools (Spring, Hibernate) for Java Development