Where should I begin or start on my coding/programing journey for learning?

Good day,

I am completely new, untraineed/green. Where should I begin or start on my coding/programing journey for learning? What are the proper steps or order of operations in terms of a curriculum? Please advise.

Hello @mphipps99. Welcome to the FCC community. Well if you’d take a look at the curriculum page you’d see a sort of “arranged” list of courses you can/should take and it is strongly advised that you take them in order they were listed. Starting off with the Responsive Web Design course seems like a good idea where you learn about HTML and CSS, basically how the web is structured and why it looks like it is followed with some projects to test what you’ve learned so far helping you to further solidify every knowledge gained.

So in my opinion I’d say you start off with that and progress accordingly to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure course which in your case would be your first progamming language.

Have fun :clinking_glasses:.

I think it depends on what you want to be as coder? Are you going to be web application developer, in here you have front end developer, back end developer parts or full stack developer. Are you going to be a Data Analyst, SQL Developer, Python Developer, Java Developer, PHP Developer, PowerBI or Tableau Developer, R Developer, .Net (C#) Developer and so on. If you know what you wanna be, it would be lot easier to focus. For example, if you want to be a Data Analyst, you can learn MS Excel, SQL, DAX, PowerBI and should be enough to get a job. If you want to become SQL Developer, then Learn SQL well including advance stuffs (Scripting, Normalizing, Functions, Trigger, Stored Procedure, View etc) and tools like SSIS, SSRS, SSAS and PowerBI or Tableau, that should be enough to become SQL Developer. Python can be utilized in Web App and Data Science; also its easy language to learn for beginners. If you wanna become web developer, then you need to learn front end stuffs like HTML5, CSS3 (CSS Grid, FlexBox, Bootstrap) and JavaScript (jQuery , React.js or Vue.js) and in back end you need to learn PHP or Node.js or ASP or Django (Python Framework) or Spring Boot (Java Framework). The impression I get from the people here is they tend to support JavaScript based web applications instead of PHP, Java-Spring, Python-Django, .Net. Personally, I think PHP is a cool language to get into web applications so do Python-Django. I am focusing on Data Analytics, SQL Developer, PHP Developer, Python-Django Developer and JavaScript Developer to keep my job options open. Also you do not need to become an expert in any of these, just learn the basics and apply for entry level jobs. I have seen lot of people who just learnt the basics of PowerBI and landed into high paid jobs. May be different if you focus on JavaScript based web app because it just too much stuffs will keep you busy and get you stuck into it rest of your life …but I guess its worth learning but if I were you, keep all your options open. Some people here are JavaScript fan and they will do their best to convince you its only stack you need …

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