How can one start coding practice after earning a certificate in HTML/CSS ?
Hi there!
You can practice that in any code editor, that you have learned.
Please explain where like you are explaining to an African.
You can practice code in the code editor. like VS code, codepen or even you can use the Note
for writing code in windows on your computer.
Do you mind guiding or copy coding and personal teaching bro for hands on?
My WhatApp number is --removed–
You have the Freecodecamap forum. You can ask here, everything you want about programing. I can’t teach you personally. Sorry.
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Thank you.
Thank you.
I didn’t know the rules before.
I am really sorry
Do check Frontend Mentor website and start building projects.
Once you complete your project, do check others code as well for any areas of improvement.
Join their community, request for code review.
- “copy coding” : This is totally wrong approach during learning, this way you won’t be able to build your own coding muscles
- Do join some study group on FCC and help each other in learning process, nobody will have time to do hand holding and teach you like in schools.
How do you join such group, or where do you access them
Please check below blog post from FCC