I've passed whole Responsive Web Design challenges and now I am lost

Oh… got it. Thank you!

So after passing responsive web design challenges for the 3rd time (lol) the time has come to try to build a survey form again. Well, it is a bit better. If you have one minute please check:

I have question:
Should I just stick to tasks on this page https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/2022/responsive-web-design/build-a-survey-form-project/build-a-survey-form ?

Or should I always click in bottom left button (in editor) “run test” and then I can see I’ve passed 2/10 tasks. For example one of them says:

" #Content

  • 1. My tribute page should have an element with corresponding id=“main”, which contains all other elements."

So this is weird because in this beta version the 1st test is survey form but in the original html/css final tests the 1st one is tribute page. And now I am confused because in survey form test it says something about the tribute page and “<main” element. Isn’t it an error?

If you have a question about a project or would like a review of your project you should open a new topic. You have a long post here that switches topics a few times.

Yes, you should always complete all the user stories for each project.

Once you’ve finished with the particular project you should run the tests to ensure that you’ve completed all the user stories successfully. The test script, with all tests passing, should be included when you submit your projects.

Pay attention when running the user stories. When you click the hamburger menu there is a dropdown of tests. Choose the one that is appropriate for the project you are doing.

I understand the rules but don’t you think it’s be less messy to stay in one thread rather than vreating multiple threads about various topics? Sometimes I just ask about one line of code and sometimes for whole task. Personally I’d rather have one place. Of course I respect the rules and I will stick to them.

FCC uses the Read - Search - Ask method. This means that campers are encouraged to do additional reading on topics they are learning and to search for things they do not understand. Part of that searching may be searching in the forums for a similar issue that someone else has had and finding a solution rather than opening yet another topic on something that has been resolved.

To crowd a topic with multiple issues is counter-productive to having campers use the Read Search Ask method.

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ty was stuck on this 2.

OMFG thank you, I was stuck on that way too long :nauseated_face: :sob: