Looking to get some feedback on my portfolio

Hello, campers!

I started learning web development 2 years ago with FCC after I graduated college, and I think I’m finally ready to share my portfolio. Would absolutely appreciate it if I could get some feedback. Some things to note: I did not provide my real address, college, or phone number. For now, I’m including dummy information for demonstration purposes.


A few questions I had regarding portfolios:

  • Is there a number of projects I should at least have ? Would 3 be too little? (I do plan on adding more)
  • I do not have any “professional” work history to list under experiences in my resume, unfortunately. Would it be ill-advisded to put the projects I’ve done so far? If not, what should I put in this case?
  • Would this be enough to at least start applying for junior dev roles? Whenever I look at current job ads, I always feel like I still don’t have the sufficient number of technologies in my skillset.

Thanks so much! All comments and questions are welcome.


Hello there @iOSDeveloper22 Your portfolio looks absolutely stunning. Some answers to your concerns:

  • There’s no maximum or minimum number of projects set in stone to be displayed, it’s more of a personal preference but I’d suggest leaving it at 3 of your BEST WORKS. These should be more than enough to convince anyone visiting your page and if they want to see more they can head to your Github repo.
  • It’s okay not to have a professional work experience and in that sense displaying the projects you’ve been able to revamp and develop would show your skillset to whoever sees them which is why 3 of your best works are advised to be displayed.
  • Yes this is enough to seek junior dev roles and it might be overwhelming at first when you see the “requirements” but trust me, you’ll find companies and hiring managers who’d give you a shot based on your current skills. The roadmap of being a frontend developer is intense and for me I consider it a constant work in progress. Keep learning, keep practicing.

Some extra tips:

  • Try keeping your resume a bit more simple and “organic”. Try checking out this Front-End Developer Resume: Sample & Writing Tips.
  • Do not include your full address in your resume. Just the city and country should suffice.
  • You do not need to include an objective in your resume (hiring managers are already aware you’re seeking a job).
  • Get comfortable using words like “Developed”, “Built”, “Revamped”, “Responsive”, “User-friendly” etc.
  • While waiting to get hired for a full time role, try getting some freelance projects/works done. You can check Upwork or Fiverr. This will let you practice and bring your skills to use for more real world scenarios.
  • Lastly in your contact me section in place of “doing” you can use “building”.

You’re doing a great job mate. Keep pushing and I hope you land your first job soon. Happy coding :+1:!

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your portfolio page is nice and worthy start
i also with same level of experience as you and i see that you are doing really well on your journey also 2 years is ok for your current progress but you can give it more time
1- there is no minimum of projects on your portfolio
you should put everything you have and showcase your work for the world and you build more as you go
2- for a person with same level of experience as you ,who don’t have professional experience , to me i think then your ability of convincing employers of your worth and value by show casing your projects and by showing your technical skills through technical interviews , if any one else will shed light on this for me as will
3-its never going to be enough of when to start applying , go for it and look what employers are looking for


Hi @teamie! Thank you so much for the kind words and helpful tips.

  • While waiting to get hired for a full time role, try getting some freelance projects/works done. You can check Upwork or Fiverr . This will let you practice and bring your skills to use for more real world scenarios.

I actually have never thought about doing freelancing before. I’ll definitely make sure to checkout Upwork and Fiverr.

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You are ready to get recruited, mate. Your projects are quite awesome. I can see the hardwork that you’ve put in making those cool projects. Goodluck. :grinning::+1:

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