Please give feedback for portfolio page

I ended up taking inspiration from quite a few sources and tried to recreate various elements in this project. I know it can be improved a lot and looks kinda empty at the moment, but I am taking this as something to build on as I learn more and have more projects to share.

Please have a look and share your feedback.

Thank you!


Clean, well-designed and professional-looking. Get a few big projects on there and things will happen.
Nice work!


I think it looks good @cryptographicfool. I really like parallax effects touch with the scrolling. It is very clean and simple. It has aesthetics for sure. I think the text slider on your homepage adds a nice touch as well.

The code is good. The only thing I caught was a just a small minor typos. Its no big deal, I will list below:

  • change “You can my work linked below”. to “you can see my work below.”
  • in the contact section change Wether to Whether.

Keep up the good work and good job man.


@willjw3 Thank you for taking the time to see and share your views. I am working on creating some bigger/better projects. Soon. :slight_smile:

@ChrisJabb21 Thanks for the feedback and thanks a tonne for spotting the typos, I really appreciate. Those are fixed. :slight_smile:


Edit: The empty space in the contact container on the right hand side has been bugging me, trying to think how I could utilise that. A contact form? An image? Any ideas?


I see what you mean with the white space. I think its okay to have a little white space in my opinion. but I could make some suggestions or give things to try to see if you what can do.

My suggestions

  • You can could try to add a a contact form and use it if you can get it to fix and not look crowded.
  • You could try to center all of the text in the white box and make it so that there is even white space on the left and the right so it can look symmetrical and uniform.

Good stuff crypto, hey I am always glad to help when I have time and need a coding break.

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I guess I will try and center the thext in the div for now, meanwhile will figure out how to make forms work on netlify, and replace with a form later.

Super clean, I like it.
One thing to work on tho is better responsiveness for mobile devices.


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I love the design! Only one thing I would suggest. Don’t use the skills chart. That is very subjective and can be interpreted differently depending on the viewer. What is 50% JS? This is only your personal assessment of yourself. Maybe it’s higher than you think? If it was me I’d remove that section completely and let the work stand on its own merits.

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@jugges Thanks for taking a look and sharing your feedback. :slight_smile:
Could you tell me what aspect of the page was not working properly on mobile devices? So that I can fix it. Which device did you check on?
I made sure to check on ipad/iphone as well as different screen sizes frm 768p to 4k to make sure it worked. The only thing that did not work on iPhones was the parallax of background images, I could not get it to work and am still trying to find a way.

I completely agree what you say about the skills chart. For me, I was curious as to how to make it myself because I see it at many places, so I implemented it. The portfolio is not meant to be shared with anyone yet and I will be sure to implement something that works better than the chart when the time comes to share my portfolio.
Thanks for taking a look.

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np. I was told that very same advice a few years back and it remains true. In general you want to be as factual and objective as you can possibly be in how you present yourself and the very best way to do this is just to build projects that work and look good :slight_smile:

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Don’t leave anything up to the imagination unless, of course, that is what your trying to do in the design :wink:

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A good tip I learned while messing around and testing my media queries is using Google Chrome’s Toggle Device Mode:

Really helpful for testing your web page is responsive.


+1 on this opinion,
Skill charts are just confusing.

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You can do the same on firefox by pressing Ctrl/Command + shift + m and then choose your device from dropdown to check for responsiveness. And there are many other tools to test the same as well.

I just checked on chrome as well. It works perfectly until on everything but iPhone 5 size, which is 320x568. I did not test for that as I thought testing for upto 375x667 (iPhone 6 size) would be good enough for almost all devices. So good point there, I will add media queries to support people the size. :slight_smile:

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I really like it. It looks professional. I saw it on a PC. The only thing that I would change it the skill lines - I read an article saying they should be dropped from a CV or a Portfolio as they don’t convey reliable information, i.e. according to what standards is JS 50 or 60%? I would replace them maybe with logos or do something else. Besides I like the font and the spacing. Really easy to read and it’s not one of those ‘I will do anything just please please hire me’ texts.
Another thing not connected to the asthetics (which I really like):

  • spelling of asthetic in ABOUT
  • ‘want hire me’ should be ‘want to hire’ me in CONTACT
    That’s it after having a quick look!
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Looks really nice, great job! The only nit-pick I have is that you have two ‘back to top’ buttons. You have the one in the nav that links to #page-top, and then you have the one that appears on the bottom right that does the same thing. I would say get rid of one of them.