Project 'Celestial Bodies Database' rejected by the system


I built the Celestial Bodies Database related to this challenge.

In order to work with greater peace of mind I built the database locally, on my PC. Then I took it out the dump with this bash command:

pg_dump -cC --inserts -U postgres universe > universe.sql

I uploaded the dump file to my github repo and passed the verification link on the freeCodeCamp page, but the system rejected my request with the following error message.

You must complete the project first.

Okay. I restarted my gitpod dashboard, added the ‘universe.sql’ file to my space, then I
tried to rebuild the database starting from the dump file with the following command:

psql -U freecodecamp < universe.sql

but gitpod answered with the following error message:

ERROR: database "universe" does not exist
ERROR: option "locale_provider" not recognized
LINE 1: ...verse WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LOCALE_PRO...
ERROR: database "universe" does not exist
\connect: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: database "universe" does not exist

I created the database, now I wouldn’t want to redo it again on gitpod.

How can I upload my universe.sql dump file to gitpod causing the freeCodeCamp system to consider my project as completed?

Regarding the link inserted on the freeCodeCamp challenge page, I would like to point out that:

  1. to be able to work locally on the challenge I entered gitpod, copied the instructions and pasted them into a markdown file which I used as a guide (I can report that file here, if it can be useful);
  2. the github repository is located at the link***/fcc-celestial-bodies-database
  3. the universe.sql document is the only document present in the repository, and can be reached at the link***/fcc-celestial-bodies-database/blob/main/universe.sql
  4. I inserted the following links into the freeCodeCamp page, always reloading the page between one attempt and another and always with the same result: the system rejects my project with the error message You must complete the project first.
    3.***/fcc-celestial-bodies-database/blob/6a6e1e0a6a1b17303a50797f396b50ea90d466da/universe.sql (this one obtained with the github command Copy permalink).

The solution is the following: after finishing the challenge in the gitpod YOU NEED TO PRESS THE RUN BUTTON in the instruction window. This starts a database verification system that returns instructions on any steps not performed.