Just looking for some input from other self-taught people out there. I have been learning for a few months now and am starting to try to build a few projects (to get out of ‘tutorial hell’). I am building a ‘basic-ish’ page just with html, css and a small bit of JS.
The thing is, I am wondering if it’s common to spend a fairly long amount of time on a project that is relatively basic? I suppose it’s a combination of figuring out how to do things, trial and error and making changes as I go because I am not happy with the design/colour scheme etc.
I am definitely going to have to put a time limit on it, just wondering how other people’s experience has been? I am ‘playing around’ a lot with CSS, but am sure that there are still some things I do not fully understand…
I am also concerned that a basic-ish page may not be sufficient to put into a portfolio, I just wanted to have one completed project though.
Interested to hear about other people’s experiences…