Time spent on first html/css proj


Just looking for some input from other self-taught people out there. I have been learning for a few months now and am starting to try to build a few projects (to get out of ‘tutorial hell’). I am building a ‘basic-ish’ page just with html, css and a small bit of JS.

The thing is, I am wondering if it’s common to spend a fairly long amount of time on a project that is relatively basic? I suppose it’s a combination of figuring out how to do things, trial and error and making changes as I go because I am not happy with the design/colour scheme etc.

I am definitely going to have to put a time limit on it, just wondering how other people’s experience has been? I am ‘playing around’ a lot with CSS, but am sure that there are still some things I do not fully understand…

I am also concerned that a basic-ish page may not be sufficient to put into a portfolio, I just wanted to have one completed project though.

Interested to hear about other people’s experiences…

My opinion, is my opinion only. If the goal is to learn I would remove time from any expectation or comparison. That’s an ingredient in the recipe that we all create for failure.
If you are seeking for some form of comparison with others and validation that you are taking too long, then I will apply what I just mentioned.
What I think we all look for is confidence. Confidence comes out of practice of what we have trained for. When the practice is limited, then we have the tendency look for signs that we are OK on it and that’s a trap (again my opinion) that makes wanting to compare.

If you do think a basic-ish page may not be sufficient, find a way to make it something that you are proud of it.

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