Would like some feedback on my portfolio. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!!

I’d appreciate if you could checkout my portfolio and leave some feedback for improvements.
Play around to find out the animations I created.
And if you may, then do write to me or say hello using the form in the portfolio, and leave some feedback on the animation integrated to it.

Thank you for the time taken. :blush:
Here’s the link: Rajtanu Chakravarty


Great job @rajtanuchakravarty !!

The only things I would play with:

  • maybe with font-family, font-size and line-height
  • in mobile devices, the top of the page has a lot extra white, maybe less or fixed the menu (dev tools in responsive mode will help you)
  • and your projects images I think it will look better with object-fit: cover; or something similar.

Apart of that congratulations, fantastic!! Keep the good work :sunglasses: :clap:

Where can we see how “font family” works?

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Congratulation! An excellent portfolio site indeed! You have put lot of efforts and it shows. I am happy for you and the site is very elegant, minimalist yet rich. It has sense of motivation embedded in it and very easy to navigate through. Could not find anything that need improvement. All around, really professional and enriched portfolio. Keep up the Brilliant work! I searched for you in Linked In but could not find your present. Would like to be in touch with you somehow for sure. Best! :smiley:

Hi @learncssthenquit

If you meant resources to read about it, for example here:

Happy coding!

Appreciate the feedback @carlosvisator .
Anyways, I did try the object-fit property so that the aspect ratio of the project images would be appropriate and not look stretched(on smaller devices), which it does and still bothers me. But, because of the about containers behind the project images I couldn’t reduce the size any more. And about the font-size, font-family and line-height, what is it that I’m missing?

Would like to know about that to make any improvements required.
And about the whitespace at the top of the page, it is a navbar and I decided to keep it white so that it would blend with the white sections of the page and would be distinct while we scroll to the darker sections of the site.
What would you change about it, if you could?

Appreciate the feedback @Bushmaster.

And it is true that I put a lot of efforts in it. And I hope that I could display it through the project, knowing that some things are there that need to be improved.
If you may then do send a message to me through the contact form of the portfolio and checkout the animation that I integrated to the form section, and lemme me know what you think about it.

Besides, I haven’t updated my LinkedIn profile yet, and I will cause I am gonna need that once I start applying for jobs.
And if you wanna get connected, do drop a message to my inbox. :+1:

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Looks like what it does is that it tells chrome which “font types” to use. Where the fonts come from is from the os. And chrome uses the “font list” from “left to right” Explained on cssref, but seems nothing was explained on mozilla so dont think would look at that one in future

Moz site says to just use “font” instead of “font family”, so does that mean everyone, including the op’s site" should use “font” instead?

Hi again @rajtanuchakravarty

I am probably not the best person to give you feedback since I am stuck with my own projects but you asked it and still think this could be helpful or at least give you some ideas, this are just my opinions. Sometimes small details can make it better. Don’t get me wrong I still think it is a great page and you could leave it like it is, I wanted clarify it since it seems I bothered some people already.

About images: you can read about it in MDN Web Docs and web.dev, for example, I will link this last one because it is easier to read and not everyone knows: Responsive images

I have played with the img in your code, using

  • display: block;
  • max-width: 100%; // instead of width
  • aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
  • and I have erased absolute position

and I think it looks better, you might like to play with it.

Looking in a different device I think the font-size of menu links could be bigger, I tried 2rem, for example.

A max-width to content it could be a good idea, since the About and Contact sections it is too wide for me and also the project images and info texts has a big gap between them.

Be aware as well that wider paragraphs are not easy to read, so worst user experience, look MDN or web.dev paragraphs, for example, 60-70 character (ch is a unit also) top.

About fonts
 a different font family in your name or a heading is a different way to highlight it, like font-size, font-weight or color. In the about me, for example, maybe just using different sizes and font-weight would be enough to make it different. You could use p element after h1, by the way.

For example, making the text A fullstack developer, who is self-taught and uses (
) and I am and (
) stack to create web applications. smaller it makes some visual impact and hight light your name and MERN word. I hope I have explainned better this time, still working on my english skills :sweat_smile:.

And finally, your question about the menu
 not sure, I like your idea, maybe some subtle box-shadow or your about section with a background: #f7e9cf; it could help visually.

Sorry for being too verbose, you have some fantastic projects and I am sure this site will help you, so keep the good work and don’t work too much on it. Give it a couple of days of resting and you might find that it is ready to go or maybe you still could add some subtle things.

Awesome job @rajtanuchakravarty !!! :ok_hand:

Not sure, I meant using fonts to visual effects, but we all should start to use logic properties, the future for all sites I imagine.

Happy coding!

3d of the projects makes it very difficult to see. Flat view would be better. Hope you see the same

For the images

The images do not have any outlines or boarders around them. This makes them feel very weightless or lacking of definition

Definition in this usage meaning “weight and definitive clarity”

The images feel very
 I dont know how to describe it feels kinda empty. I dont know if this has to do with the lack of outlines or boarders. But looking at it again, I notice the colors were very very pale


Maybe this is the “soft” feel you’re going for. But the very pale colors used on site feels very muted. It could also be the large amount of white space all around the site. And all these design choices give it this overall feeling

When you hover over the images, it’d be nice to actually see the image instead of being able to see nothing after hovering of it. Nothing meaning those 2 icons

Other nicer colors could be used instead of the pale green

The lavender color is fine but there’s something really off about the mix or combination of colors, but again its hard to describe with words

3d doesn’t look good. I don’t know if there are good examples of 3d since I don’t keep a collection, but I guess I’ll start keeping a collection/pinterest of good design which I was suppose to do before lol. Got distracted!!

If you would like to go 3d, maybe try these pokemone holo animation:

I’ve no idea what the challenge level of this is but it looks fun for others that like to do this thing. I’m pretty sure I won’t ever get there though since thats not my goal

Glad that you gave me an explanation for the feedback you provided and now it seems I’m getting somewhere.
Besides, could you send me some screenshot of the appearance of my page, so that I can know how it looks on your end and make improvements accordingly.
And I need you to tell me the viewport width of your device?

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Sorry @rajtanuchakravarty

I have not much time (I expended a lot of time giving feedback :sweat_smile: :joy: ), my inner width is 1640px, maybe 1024px max-width it will be a fine limit, but don’t worry about all the devices now.

I think the problem with extra space at the top is just the intro section height: 100vh;, probably with min-height: 100vh; it will be enough to fix it. And maybe padding-top after that. But just small details. Don’t worry much about the feedback, just take those that you think it will work for you.

You could just try something and show everyone again. Don’t try to get all devices and people tastes since we all are different.

Good job

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Hello Raj:

You deserved good positive comment indeed. I think your portfolio site is really good and more than enough to prove potential employer that you have necessary skills and confident to land into entry level full stack web application developer focusing MERN stack. I left you a comment through your brilliant portfolio site and will send you an email shortly right from your freeCodeCamp profile too.

Keep Up the Brilliant Work and Start Applying for Jobs! :grinning:

Appreciate the feedback @learncssthenquit.
Will take the things you mentioned into consideration.

i would make your social links at the bottom clickable :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion.
And I did think about that at the beginning, but as I couldn’t link my number and email to anything, so I decided to keep the consistency among them. Maybe I can link my github address to my github repo.
And if I do that then what about the phone no. and the gmail address, what could be done with them?

Links should in 99% of cases be clickable, simply because people don’t like copy pasting urls manually.

With regards to phone numbers and email there isn’t really a standard but i love it when companies makes it easier for me to contact them. This is a portfolio website so i assume you want people to contact you.

When i click on a clickable phonenumber, my computer calls that number and transfers it to my phone for me.

When i click on a clickable email my outlook opens a send box for me.

I agree that this is particularly important, especially for the calculator. It’s very flat as is and could do with a lift of definition.

On the whole, it’s a great portfolio page so well done, keep it up @rajtanuchakravarty

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Thanks for the insight.
Will consider making the required changes.