Is There a Place for me Here?

Not your typical participant here, probably, because I’m 81 yo, a retired IT exec who wrote his first program on a mainframe in the '60s. I came here because I’m trying to develop a web site for my family history using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I’ve used them before but it was more than 12 years ago and I’ve forgotten most of what I learned then.

It will be a while before I take the entire course, if I ever get around to it. I wanted to join here to have access to people who can answer my questions about VS Code, GIT, GitHub, HTML, CSS and js, especially about debugging the basics . . . HTML and CSS. I know, it probably seems stupid to talk about debugging text files, but it’s a real issue for me, especially syntax. I’ve been unable to find an extension for VS Code that will help.

So, is there a place for me at the table here? If not, you won’t hurt my feelings by telling me to get lost.



Absolutely! We welcome anyone who is interested in learning to code. So long as you remain friendly and abide by our code of conduct, we’ll get along great! :purple_heart:

It’s not. CSS is hard, and I run into issues every time I use it. :grin:

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Just wanted to say that as someone very new to coding and this community, people are incredibly kind, supportive, and helpful here. Welcome aboard! And your website idea is fantastic! I hope you post updates in Code Feedback as you work on it! :slight_smile:


100%!! Age doesn’t matter here. If you have a question then feel free to ask! Responses usually come pretty fast, and don’t worry about not understanding or having a hard time the first time you try something. We have a lot of wonderful campers here who will work with you and make sure you understand. Just some future advice when asking a question: try to give as much information as possible. The more you provide on what the problem is, and what you tried then the more meaningful responses you will get!

Welcome to the forum!

Easy to learn, hard to master.

@ahraitch Definitely make sure you update your CSS knowledge as a lot has changed in the past years.

As for debugging, always use the browser developer tools. They are invaluable when it comes to debugging CSS.

Thanks, Cody_Biggs!

It’s good to know that this place is very active. I’ve often been told that I tell people how to build a watch instead of what time it is; so there might be complaints of me posting too much background info. :smile:

Is it good practice to post a file and ask for help identifying what’s wrong with it? For example, I am currently working on a CSS file that complements an HTML file. My browser will display the HTML content but none of the CSS styling. I haven’t found a CSS debugger (yet) which would help, but I know that if I look at a problem for very long I can’t see its true nature, ie, I can’t break through my mental set. Would it be appropriate to post those files here for group review? I can also post a mock-up of what I want the resulting screen to be.

Again, thank for the welcome!

If none of the styles are getting applied it is very likely to be an issue with how you are linking to the CSS file.

We would need to see the link element and know your folder/file structure. The best way to share your code would be if you used a repo for it so we can see exactly what you have.

Thanks for the response!
Please instruct me on how to take and post a repo here. I have GIT installed and have exercised it a little to learn how it works and begin using its vocabulary and syntax.


Do you have github account?

If you are not comfortable with Git just yet the easiest way to use GitHub is to use the file upload.

I love this post! I am a new learner here and have not ran to issues but I literally just started, I passed step one and have not even looked at step 2 but decided to take a look at the community as I truly believe community is a key to success :slight_smile:

Yes, I have a github account. Why do you ask?

so you could upload code there for us to see.

Yes. How would I use it here.

just click on create new repository, name that repository.

then simply drag and drop everything you want to be online to that repository.

Right now it is private. Do I need to change that? What other info is needed here to view what I commit?

how do you mean private? every new repo you create is actually public, unless you say otherwise.

I went through the process of creating a repository from within VS Code. I named it (I think), the -clan, and I saw a screen that said the repository was private. When I logged in to github it showed the repository as private. I changed it to public.

My github name is RHH42. Can you see it?

yes, i see your repository. it’s empty.

One step at a time for me. :grin:
I got the repository set up and made it public. Do I have to invite you and others here to participate if it’s public?

I’m trying to figure out how to commit individual files for CSS and HTML index to the repo from withing VS Code.